Shipping & Returns


We offer FREE Shipping Worldwide on all orders.All orders will be processed within 2-3 business days. You will receive a Shipment Confirmation email containing tracking numbers once your order has shipped.Worldwide Shipping is tracked and takes 7-14 working Days.



Product Quality


We take great pride in our product design and quality. And we want you to be fully satisfied with every item you purchase online and are committed to excellent customer service.

14-Day Return Policy

We accept returns on items in their original condition with tags attached (unworn, have no signs of wear or damage) for a full refund. You have 14 days from the day your order was delivered to apply for a return request and send back the items to be eligible for a refund.

Please email us at with 'RETURN' in the subject line and include your order number and the reason for return. If the item(s) we sent you is defective, we will be happy to offer the option of a full refund OR an exchange. Please state your preference in your return e-mail.

The item that you are returning should not be worn or damaged and should be returned in its original packaging. If the original packaging was damaged or you do not have it anymore, please provide suitable packaging for adequate protection against damage in transit. We do not take responsibility for lost/damaged packages that are shipped back to us.

Upon receipt of your package, we will process the refund, which takes approximately 2-3 business days.

At the moment, we do not cover the shipping fees for any returns. The cost of the return shipping is non-refundable.

Please note that all items marked ‘FINAL SALE’ are non-returnable.

For any potential misuse or abuse of our return policies, we reserve the right to refuse service. For any quality issues with your order, please email us at We take great pride in our product design and quality. And we want you to be fully satisfied with every item you purchase online and are committed to excellent customer service.

We accept returns on items in their original condition with tags attached (unworn, have no signs of wear or damage) for a full refund. You have 14 days from the day your order was delivered to apply for a return request and send back the items to be eligible for a refund.

Please email us at with 'RETURN' in the subject line and include your order number and the reason for return. If the item(s) we sent you is defective, we will be happy to offer the option of a full refund OR an exchange. Please state your preference in your return e-mail.

The item that you are returning should not be worn or damaged and should be returned in its original packaging. If the original packaging was damaged or you do not have it anymore, please provide suitable packaging for adequate protection against damage in transit. We do not take responsibility for lost/damaged packages that are shipped back to us.

Upon receipt of your package, we will process the refund, which takes approximately 2-3 business days.

At the moment, we do not cover the shipping fees for any returns. The cost of the return shipping is non-refundable.

Please note that all items marked ‘FINAL SALE’ are non-returnable.

** For any potential misuse or abuse of our return policies, we reserve the right to refuse service. For any quality issues with your order, please email us at